When is it Time to Work With a Gut-Health Dietitian?

If you are struggling with gut issues, it can be frustrating not having answers. You might be eating healthy and working out, but you still feel like your gut is a mess.

So, how do you know if you should keep doing things like elimination diets or going to the doctor before deciding to work with a gut health dietitian?

Here are 5 signs your gut needs a dietitian:

You are constantly bloated and/or gassy

If you're been feeling bloated in your body and experiencing gas, we first want you to know that this is NOT normal. It might be your "new normal" or something you're used to if you've had gut issues for years. But bloating and gas are signs that there's something going on in your gut.

Luckily, there are ways to heal from years of gut issues, including bloating and gas. We first need to test your gut to see what's going on, then curate a custom roadmap for ultimate gut healing.

You have no energy and don't sleep well

Another clear sign of gut issues is crashing in the afternoon and/or not sleeping at night. The reason why this is oftentimes related to your gut is inflammation, which causes discomfort like gas, bloating, stomachaches, etc.

So, how is your sleep? Is your gut keeping you up at night? If so, it's time to address the root cause so your sleep gets back on track.

You've had gut issues for years

This is something a lot of my clients tell me when we start working together. They've had gut issues for so long, it's normal to them now. They can't imagine not having gut issues, but they also want to heal their gut for good.

If this sounds like you, it's definitely time to connect so we can give you freedom from feeling like this! It's not normal, and you deserve to feel so good in your body.

You've tried everything

This is another commonality when onboarding my clients. They've gone to several doctors, they've tried every diet out there, and they've also done some testing. But if you still have gut issues, none of those worked for your body, right?

RAD Nutrition takes a true healing approach to fixing your gut. We assess why you're experiencing gut symptoms, educate you on the root cause, and give you a step-by-step healing journey. I'm sure you're feeling frustrated after trying so many things, but working with a dietitian is different. Rather than a group program, online course, or going to a doctor who doesn't specialize in gut health, we go deeper and customize your plan for your body and lifestyle.

You're ready for a positive change

One of the most important things I encourage my clients to do is being ready to welcome true change and healing. Healing your gut doesn't happen overnight, and you do have to commit to the process.

So...are you ready to jump in and heal your gut for good? The first step is to connect with me on a discovery call. I want to hear about your symptoms, your health goals, and what feels best for you and your lifestyle.

If you're ready to begin your gut-healing journey, get started here.